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Disconnect between employers and older workers, survey finds

By September 12, 2023No Comments

Recruitment firm Hays Ireland has said that new research it has conducted has revealed a disconnect between employers and older workers.

The company said its survey of 1,600 employers and employees shows a notable communication gap between the retirement plans of older workers and the strategies of employers to retain their knowledge and skills.

According to the research, 22% of workers have indicated they plan to retire within the next five years but just 38% of employers have discussed retirement plans with such workers.

Flexible working hours, health insurance and retirement planning rank as the top three considerations for employees over the age of 50 when considering a new role.

The survey shows that less than half of employers offer retirement planning options to staff over 50 and that part-time work is currently provided to employees aged 50 and above by 15% of employers.

72% of employers say they are actively hiring staff over the age of 50.

Just over half of workers over 50 believe there has been an occasion where their chance of a job offer has been impacted because of their age.

While 70% of employers said employees are treated equally in their organisation, regardless of age.

“Some older professionals, who have been the backbone of our workforce for decades, can find themselves at a crossroads due to the rapid pace of technological advancement,” said Maureen Lynch, Managing Director of Hays Ireland.

“The fear of being left behind by these changes can understandably lead to thoughts of retirement, which could potentially trigger a significant loss of expertise and experience from our industries.”

“Its important employers take measures to harness the potential of their experienced workforce,” Ms Lynch said.

“By tailoring training programmes to bridge any gaps, employers can help to ensure their older employees remain valuable contributors,” she added.

Article Source: Disconnect between employers and older workers, survey finds –  Brian O’Donovan – RTE

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